The Green Theory and Praxis Journal (GTPJ; ISSN: 1941-0948), founded in 2005, arose out of two projects: the “Revolutionary Environmentalism: A Dialogue Between Activists and Academics” Conference on February 13-14, 2003, at Fresno State University and Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth (Best and Nocella 2006). GTPJ is a carefully peer reviewed, intersectional social justice publication focused on the global ecological community. This scholar-activist journal is dedicated to expanding and challenging classic scholarship on environmental issues, as the field has long been dominated by white, able-bodied, Christian, Western-colonial perspectives on ecology, wilderness, nature, and the environment, with a deficit of criticism against corporate greenwashing and capitalism.
A multi-movement publication, GTPJ is a critical theory journal seeking scholarship in the areas of environmental justice, indigenous people, first nations, aboriginal communities, eco-ability, eco-feminism, eco-transgender studies, global justice, food justice, revolutionary environmentalism, critical race theory, critical environmental education, ecopedagogy, Earth liberation, etc. Further, the journal promotes deconstruction of oppressive binaries (culture/nature, wild/civilized, human/animal), real world application of critical theory, and a jargon-free rhetorical foundation supporting the abolition of all systems of domination. GTPJ is not a reformist publication. Rather, our mission argues for mass global transformation through the critique of systems, not individuals, that promote oppression and/or domination. We believe change emerges from building alliances, as opposed to fueling conflicts. Ultimately, GTPJ is a theory-to-action journal open to scholarship that fosters a holistic journey for total liberation and justice.
– Green Theory and Praxis Journal, (December 19, 2014)