Volume 13, Issue 2, August 2020
Nikoleta Zampaki, Editor ____________________________ ____________________________ Articles The Rime of the Modern Mariner Paul Lindholdt pp. 7-11 ____________________________ Poems A Poem in the Age of the Coronavirus The Future in Spite of it All A World Woke Fresh Conceding to Gravity in the Leap Lockdownshifting Without Breath Clock Mechanism Old New Word Coronavirus Aria Covid-19 in Manila Social Distance Insomnia in the Time of Coronavirus Higher Consolation When Today is no Longer the Same Ταινία Άσπρη Χαϊκού Μείναμε σπίτι Χαρακώματα Ένας Παράδεισος όπως τον θέλω εγώ Η Λανθασμένη Εκτίμηση Ω, Άνθρωπε